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naturopathic medicine anchorage naturopath homeopathic
We Care for All of You
Anchorage Naturopath
natural healthcare
best naturopath
brain injury
Adam Grove
top anchorage naturopath
Our current operating procedure during COVID-19:
If you need dispensary items, please call us or email us at headtotoeak@gmail.com ahead of time. You are welcome to leave your credit card information on the message machine as Karyn is the only one with access to the line.
Dr. Grove has switched over to a combination of telemedicine and in person visits for the duration of this epidemic to keep everyone safer. Please call us to set up an appointment - you will need a computer, ipad, iPhone or laptop with video capabilities.
If you do NOT have one of these, we can also do a regular
telephone call visit as long as your insurance does not object.
In person visits are only on Wednesdays or Fridays when there is a specific need for a hands-on visit (physicals, craniosacral, an acute medical condition like a rash that needs to be seen directly). You will need a mask that fits well for these visits. Please pull up in front and wait in your car, Dr. Grove will come get you when he is ready. You do NOT need to call to let us know you are there.
We are still CLOSED MONDAYS, but will be available by phone Tuesday through Friday. If you call and get the voicemail, please leave a message as we are most likely helping another patient and will call you back when we can.
Our dispensary has a number of things that can help, and as long as we can get them we will make them available to you. One of these is silversol, which is a great anti-viral spray that can be used on any surface, including you to fight this virus.
Here is a video about that product: